Savings & Investment advice
Simply put, saving and investing is where you put the money you don’t need now aside, to be used for something in the future. This could include a specific purpose (university fees, house deposit, towards retirement etc.) or to give you a safety net. Sometimes, it can be a combination of these things.
When you invest money, you want the amount you’ve saved to grow, so you end up with more than you put in when it’s time to withdraw it. How much it grows by depends on how long you invest it for and market conditions.
Good investment advice is crucial to ensure the medium to long term outcome of your investments meet your long term objectives. We work with you to help you to make better financial decisions.
The value of investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.
What’s the best way to invest money?
There’s no ‘best way’ to invest but you should take advice. Looking at investments over the medium or long-term usually gives the strongest returns. There are different levels of risk with investing too. Less-risky investments might grow slowly but keep your money safe, while those that are more-risky might fluctuate in value before giving you potentially higher returns. It is important you take financial advice.
How often you save is up to you too – do you want to do it monthly, once-a-year, or just make a large one-off payment? Again, you can do all three if it suits your situation and objectives but take advice.
What should I do before I invest?
- We’d recommend clearing any debt before thinking about serious saving. The interest charged on debt, especially if it’s unsecured, can be higher than you’d get on most investments, so it can be beneficial to pay it all - or as much you can - off first.
- If you’re looking at a long-term option where your money will be tied down for a while, it’s a good idea to keep some back for emergencies.
- If you’ve already got investments and savings accounts, try and get as much information together about them as you can. We might be able to help your money go further or help you use up your tax allowances.
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